Index of /DieselSweeties
Name Last modified Size
Parent Directory -
WebsterXL.png 2005-02-13 19:34 139K
ReadMe.txt 2005-02-13 19:34 2.2K
Oregano2.png 2005-02-13 19:34 60K
Oregano1.png 2005-02-13 19:34 166K
Browse.png 2005-02-13 19:34 151K
ArcWeb.png 2005-02-13 19:34 147K
Diesel Sweeties
Richard Stevens asked for a screenshot of Diesel Sweeties under Oregano on
RISC OS. As I've got Oregano 1, 2, Acorn Browse, ANT Fresco, an old copy of
WebsterXL, Webster (original) and I thought I'd dump a few screenshots of
the different browsers here. So here, for your browsing pleasure is exactly
the same page seen from a multitude of angles :-)
Browse.png - an image from Acorn's Browse.
Browse is officially defunct, as Acorn canned the project about
6 years ago; Pace took over Acorn about 4 years ago and have
since then (alledgedly) sold on the licenses for RISC OS
components. Which is all quite a pity because when it first
appeared, Browse was the only browser to support full
alpha-channel compositing of PNGs (I believe it's still noted
as such on the PNG pages) as well as a lot of other interesting
Oregano1.png - an image from Oregan Networks 'Oregano 1' browser.
Oregano2.png - an image from Oregan Networks 'Oregano 2' browser.
O2 is a much slower browser than O1 and although it can browse
pages more 'accurately' it's really unusably slow for just about
any real use.
I had to drop to 8bpp for this screenshot because O2's
renderer doesn't appear to like 16bpp with my graphics card.
WebsterXL.png - an image from RComp's Webster XL browser (old version).
WebsterXL is a web brwoser developed from Webster (which
has now stopped working for me) and is written, for the
most part, in BASIC. Scary chickens.
ArcWeb.png - an image of the ancient ArcWeb browser.
Stewart Brodie's ArcWeb browser was developped whilst he was
doing a degree at university. For a number of years it was
the defacto webbrowers for students because it was freely
Note: Fresco 2.13 and all versions I tried down to 1.60 crashed when trying
to render the page.
Fresco is the ANT browser.
Another Note: I may have customised some of the graphics used for the
buttons on these browsers.