Index of /Pies
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Parent Directory - 2013-02-12 20:07 6.5K
ReadMe.txt 2013-02-12 20:07 882
I needed some pie charts for some of my rack monitoring and IPv6 tracking,
so I created a very simple script. It creates a bunch of static images that
can be used in my pages. As I'm likely to need similar again, and it's
handy to have a generalised generator. So, I've generalised the code to
create different versions of the graphs.
Simple generator for pie charts, using the GD::Graph. The tool can be
configured to create graphs in different ways. Configurables:
* Directory and filename prefix.
* Pie colouring based on %age thresholds.
* Colours used at at threshold points.
* Threshold %ages.
* Size of pie chart.
* %age labels.
* Configurable border and empty pie colours.
* 3D chart.
* Resampling to smooth edges.
As the pies are generated by GD::Graph, it will need installing.
Justin Fletcher